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I'm Burning


I've got what it takes to be your love

A gift of gab and a velvet touch

I got a bankers bank roll in my pocket

I'll let you drive my... road rocket

Little girl your what I need

You hit my hot spot yes indeed

You fire me up now there's no doubt

Now it's a flame I can't put out

I'm burning for ya baby

Condition red

I got a fevor for ya baby

I got a bumble bee inside of my head

A bumble bee inside of my head

My cloths stand out in a crowd

The girls can't see ya

If ya don't dress loud

Now I'm not handsome

But what I lack in looks

I compensate for in the

Way I hoochie cooch

You like daning?

Well hold my coat

I can flop like a fish

In the bottom of a boat

My beat is rocking I'm a

Rocking fool

They warned you about me

In bible school

I'm burning for ya baby

Condition red

I got a fevor for ya baby

I got a bumble bee inside of my head

A bumble bee inside of my head

Little girl your what I need

You hit my hot spot yes indeed

You fire me up now there's no doubt

Now it's a flame I can't put out

I'm burning for ya baby

Condition red

I got a fevor for ya baby

I got a bumble bee inside of my head

A bumble bee inside of my head

I got a bumble bee inside of my head

A bumble bee inseide... of my head

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