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de Willie Nelson / pe The Gypsy / an 2001


One night when the moon was bright on the moonlit bay.
That is where I found my little Cherokee maid.
The memory of the that night of love, is lingering yet.
And I know I never will forget.
My little Cherokee Maiden, I love her so.
And though we're far apart.
I know I'll never be tradin' my love for her,
For anybody else's heart.
Someday I'll make a trip back to that Cherokee Strip,
And I'll carry her away with me.
And straight as an arrow flies,
We'll ride to paradise,
My sweet little chickadee,
My little Cherokee Maiden and me.
My little Cherokee Maiden, I love her so.
And though we're far apart.
I know I'll never be tradin' my love for her,
For anybody else's heart.
Someday I'll make a trip back to that Cherokee Strip,
And I'll carry her away with me.
And straight as an arrow flies,
We'll ride to paradise,
My sweet little chickadee,
My little Cherokee Maiden and me.

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