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Complicated Game

de Xtc / pe Drums & Wires / an 2005


I ask myself should I put my finger to the left, no

I ask myself should I put my finger to the right, no

I say it really doesn't matter where I put my finger

Someone else will come along and move it

And it's always been the same

It's just a complicated game

A little girl asked me should she part her hair upon the left, no

A little girl asked me should she part her hair upon the right, no

I said it doesn't really matter where you part your hair

Someone else will come along and move it and it's

Always been the same

It's just a complicated game

A little boy asked me should he put his vote upon the left, no

A little boy asked me should he put his vote upon the right, no

I say it really doesn't matter where you put your vote

Someone else will come along and move it

And it's always been the same

It's just a complicated game

They wanted Tom

They wanted Joe

To dress 'em up and stick 'em out on show

They were arrows in a very bad aim

It's just a complicated game

God asked me should he ought to put his world on the left, no

God asked me should he ought to put his world on the right, no

I said God, it really doesn't matter where you put your world

Someone will come along and move it

And it's always been the same

It's just a complicated


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