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de Xtc / pe Mummer / an 2002


Scared of love, love and swimming pools

Falling in you said was for fools

But when you're standing on the edge

You won't hear me because your blood is singing

Jump jump go ahead and jump jump

If it's what your heart is wanting to do

This is real life you're dreaming through

And there is no glue to hold you down, so go ahead and...

Go ahead and jump

Scared of love, love and aeroplanes

Falling out I said takes no brains

But if your flight is going rough

Your soul will lead you to the nearest exit

Jump, jump...

While you're waiting

Time is grinning

Clocks and watches laughing at your indecision

While you're waiting

Worlds are spinning

Find another heart and drive into collision

Knowing this can you tell me you're...

Scared of love, love and swimming pools

Stubbornness, I say is for mules

But if you're standing on the edge

You won't hear me because your blood is singing

Jump jump go ahead and jump jump

If it's what your heart is wanting to do

This is real life you're dreaming through

And there'll be no wake up

Jump jump go ahead and jump jump

If it's what your heart is wanting to say

This is really your lucky day

And there is no glue to hold you down, so go ahead and...

Go ahead and jump

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