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de Xtc / pe English Settlement / an 2005


(Andy Partridge)

It isn't even winter and I'm freezing, freezing,
This sort of feeling isn't pleasing,
And what I want to know, man,
why, oh why,
Does she treat me like a snowman?

She's been building me,
Up quite steadily,
Seems like I've been here years and years and years and years;
I wait patiently,
Froze in history,
All ice-water is tears and tears and tears and tears;

She treats me far too frosty,
This hanging on has cost me dear.

It isn't even winter and I'm shivering, shivering,
Waiting for the love that's not delivering,
What I want to know, man,
Why oh why,
Does she treat me like a snowman?

It seems you would say I was too soft-hearted,
If you made a dunce-cap I'd don it!
People will always be tempted to wipe their feet,
On anything with 'welcome' written on it.

It isn't even winter and I'm freezing, freezing,
And this sort of feeling isn't pleasing,
And what I want to know, man,
Why, oh why,
Does she treat me like a snowman?

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