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let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together,

I've got some real estate in my bag,

so we bought a pack of ciggarettes, and mrs wagner's pies,

And we walked off, walked off, walked off, to look for america.

Kathy, I said, as we boarded the greyhound in Pittsburg,

Mitchigan seems like a dream to me now,

Took me four days to from Saginaw,

They've all gone to look for amer-america,

all gone to look for amer-america

Laughing on the bus, playing games with faces,

she said the man in the garberdian suit was a spy,

I said be careful, his bowtie is really a camera.

Kathy I'm lost, I said,

though I knew she was sleeping,

Well, I'm empty and aching and I dont know why I'm,

Counting the cars on the NewJersey Turnpike,

And they've all gone to look for amer-america,

All gone to look for amer-america.


Kathy I'm lost, I said,

Although I knew she was sleeping,

Well, I'm empty & aching & I don't know why I'm,

Counting the cars on the NewJersey Turnpike,

And they've all gone to look for amer-america,

All gone to look for amer-america,

All gone to look for amer-america...

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