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don't fall down


Don't fall down,

If you see her

Don't fall down,

If you're by her side

Don't fall down

When you're near her

Don't fall down

If your voice is tied

Don't fall down

Don't decieve her

Don't fall down

Tell her what you feel

Don't fall down

She'll precieve you

Don't fall down

If your voice is real

Everytime you need her, she is there

To ease the pain that fogs you

And when you don't need her, from her stare:

She says she's needing you

Don't fall down

As you love her

Don't fall down

She loves only you

Don't fall down

As you lift her

Don't fall down

She believes in you

Don't fall down

From beside her

Don't fall down

Keep behind her eyes

Don't fall down

They're behind you

Don't fall down

As the thought applies

If you want to rise,

You must place someone where you are standing

Everything she learns is on her face

Your strength is all she's demanding

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it?

(Don't fall down)

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it?

(Don't fall down)

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it?

(Don't fall down)

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it?

(Don't fall down)

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it? If you need her

(Don't fall down) Keep your promises

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it? If you see her

(Don't fall down) Give her all your kisses

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it? As you warm her

(Don't fall down) Never disapoint her

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it? As you hold her

(Don't fall down) Do all that you told her

Do you feel it, feel it, feel it?

Everytime you need her, she is there

To ease the pain that fogs you

And when you don't need her, from her stare:

She says she's needing you

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