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de 30 Seconds to Mars / an -


The enemy arrives

Escape into the night

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Break into another time

This enemy alive

Divinity defines

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Everybody run

Under the burning sun

I take a look around

Imagine if this all came down

I'm waiting for the day to come

Come with us to the ride

Join in the fight

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Break into another time

Unity divides

Division will unite

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Everybody run

Under the burning sun

I take a look around

Imagine if this all came down

I'm waiting for the day to come

Under the burning sun

I take a look around

Imagine if this all came down

America it's all so beautiful

Until it comes away

Under the burning sun I take a look around

Imagine if this all came down

Under the burning sun I take a look around

Imagine if this all came down

Under the burning sun I take a look around

Imagine if this all came

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