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Do Right

de 4Him / pe 4 Him / an 1997


I know that He gave His life for me

Set all our spirits free

So I wanna do right

Wanna do right

All of my life

And I never dreamed that I could be holding you

Well He's making my dreams come true

So I wanna do right

Wanna do right

I wanna do right


Oh, you got to do right

Yes you gotta do right

Let Him be your guiding light

Yes you gotta do right

Let him be your guiding light

Listen to me people

I used to say love was just a game we played

Now I see it in a different way

So I wanna do right

I gotta do right

And I never knew that I could be holding you

Well He's making my dreams come true

So I wanna do right

Wanna do right

I wanna do right


Well we just can't keep on livin' like we're livin'

We just can't keep on (livin' like we're livin')

We just can't keep on pushin' to the limit

We just can't keep on

Just can't keep on livin' like we're livin'

We just can't keep on (livin' like we're livin')

We just can't keep on pushin' to the limit

We just can't keep on

Just can't keep on livin' like we're livin'

No we just can't (Don't you know we gotta do right)

Oh don't you know

And He'll be your guiding light

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