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Hang 'em High

de A Static Lullaby / an -


I have just been in a car crash

I have just been in a car crash

Making it out alive

He finds himself

He's lost it

The breath between life and drowning


These open wounds

The bloods rushes out

These too much around


The world to move

Taking to much stakes

It will take years

It will take years

And it's more than just a lust

But it's over

We're not singing for the world

And it's over

(I can't wait)

Can't wait

(To get out of the way)

And we're giving up the world

For this revolution

For this revolution

This revolution


The broken glass

The concrete paint the lines

Too many times the steel have won

We're pulling out to make it on our own

Running through the crowded hallways

Can we make it out alive?

And it's more than just a lust

But it's over

We're not singing for the world

And it's over

(I can't wait)

Can't wait

(To get out of the way)

And we're giving up the world

For this revolution

These open wounds

Still run

This broken glass

Have cut me open

Stalling to make it out

Stalling to make it out

Stalling to make it out

This time

It's just like you

Welcome back

And it's more than just a lust

But it's over

We're not singing for the world

And it's over

(I can't wait)

Can't wait

(To get out of the way)

Can't wait

(Can't wait)

And we're giving up the world

For this revolution

And it's more than just a lust

But it's over

We're not singing for the world

And it's over

(I can't wait)

Can't wait

(To get out of the way)

And we're giving up the world

For this revolution

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