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The Reach

de Adastreia / an -


Lay me to rest

Let despair now desert me

Lay me to rest

From this life that enslaves me

Come deliver me

And grace me with open arms

And shroud me

Reaching for the fall

I hear your voice it calls

It tangles in me

Cease the pain the ghostly cries

Our ill-fated demise

I reach to the end

Let me descend

Free my torment

Put out the light on misery

Our broken destiny

I'll follow you

Without you I am dead

Lay me to rest

Sorrow grows all around me

Lay me to rest

Now the fates have betrayed me

I begged for you to breathe again

To breathe again

To hold me near

And dead I stand without you here

Without you near

My world is lost

Cease the pain the ghostly cries

Our ill-fated demise

I reach to the end

Let me descend

Free my torment

Put out the light on misery

Our broken destiny

I'll follow you

Without you I am dead

Stories old

Age's cold

I held you so precious, the light in my dark muted world

Breathe with me

I begged please let us be

I pleaded to save you

My love my soul dies now you're gone

Lay me to rest

Bleed me dry of my torment

Lay me to rest

End the grief of my forlorn heart

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