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Mr Harris

de Aimee Mann / an -


So he's retired

lives with his sister in a furnished flat

he's got this suit that

he'll never wear outside without a hat

his hair is white but he looks half his age

he looks like Jimmy Stewart in his younger days.

And honestly, I might be

stupid to think love is love

but I do

and you've waited so long and

I've waited long enough for you.

My mother's calling

from where she's living up in Troy, Vermont

she tries to tell me

a father figure must be what I want

I've always thought age makes no difference

am I the only one to whom that's making sense?

And honestly, I might be

stupid to think love is love

but I do

and you've waited so long and

I've waited long enough for you.

The day I met him he was raking leaves

in his tiny yard.

Of course I know that

we've only got ten years, or twenty, left

but to be honest

I'm happy with whatever time we get

depending on which book you read

sometimes it takes a lifetime to get what you need.

And honestly, I might be

stupid to think love is love

but I do

and you've waited so long and

I've waited long enough for you.

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