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Hallowed Ground

de Alarm / pe Eye of the Hurricane / an 2004


Well the docks lie crippled

In the northem towns

The boys have all gone away

Trying to find work down south

And mister I walk in the valley of the shadow

Won't someone have mercy on my soul

On my soul, soul, soul

HALLOWED GROUND how sad is the sound

In a valley that once sang out sang proud

HALLOWED GROUND where the ships run aground

To die in the harbour in a rust ridden town, town, town, town

Now I've seen the future

And I've seen the past

And I've seen the lights go down

On this world fading fast

And mister I walk in the valley of the shadow

Won't someone have mercy on my soul

On my soul, soul, soul

HALLOWED GROUND how sad is the sound

In a valley that once sang out sang proud

HALLOWED GROUND where the ships run aground

To die in the harbour in a rust ridden town, town, town, town

And mister I walk in the valley of the shadow

Won't someone have mercy on my soul

On my soul, soul, soul

HALLOWED GROUND how sad is the sound

In a valley that once sang out sang proud

HALLOWED GROUND where the ships run aground

To die in the harbour in a rust ridden town, town, town, town

Now I've got a wife and a young child

Back home in my house

Oh I've got someone

I've got to take care of somehow

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