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de Allies / an -


I saw a friend of mine the other day,

He said, "I love you, but I just can't stay,"

Lord, he seemed so very far away,

In his eyes I saw a look that I could not ignore, a look I'd seen so many times before,

God, he keeps on coming back for more; one more try.

When you're hurt,

When you scream,

There's a hope, there's a dream.

Harmony, harmony,

In all you do, in all you see,

Harmony, sweet harmony,

We all need sweet harmony.

A paid attendant at a filling station, a cherished member of the united nation, a woman crying out of desperation; can't they see?

And there's a loneliness deep inside, the kind of feeling that you just can't hide,

Don't you know I'll be there by your side?

You can count on me.

When you're hurt,

When you scream,

There's a hope, there's a dream.

Harmony, harmony,

In all you do, in all you see,

Harmony, sweet harmony,

We all need sweet harmony, oh.

When you're hurt,

When you scream,

There's a hope, there's a dream.

Harmony, harmony,

In all you do, in all you see,

Harmony, sweet harmony,

In all you do, in all you see,

Harmony, sweet harmony,

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