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Green Water

de An Angle / an -


The music career is killing my liver

So let's take the train out of the town

We'll follow it to the nearest body of water

Let the current carry us out

And glass by glass the women pass

Say, healthy hearts make dusty songs

So 50-50 I'll be whiskeyed

And we'll stumble to the drunken horns

Well here they come!

The deeper cut the bigger the bill

Hospital just sent mine in the mail

A tired lonely boy sleeps in his house

Kid, you sharpen your knife well

And my girl, you played a beautiful song

But it wasn't your best one, no.

The chorus repeated more than once.

So we all hummed along.

And it is hard

To be a star

When me and my friends

We sit at the end of the bar

So come on, love

Drink green water

And let the white horse carry you to the beat he burst?

Cuz we beat til we burst

And so

If I fall down now

Will you pick me up?

Hey kid, If I fall down now

Will you pick me up?

And it is hard

To be a star

When me and my friends

We sit at the end of the bar

So come on, love

Drink green water

And let the white horse carry you to the beat he burst?

Cuz we beat til we burst

And so

If I fall down now

Will you pick me up?

Hey kid, If I fall down now

Well, just... Dance it off.

Just dance it off.

Just dance it off.

Just dance it off.

We'll just dance it off.

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