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Mr Twilight

de Anasazi / an -


Game over, I'€™m an old soul into this land

With my back against the wall

I could dig but I do not dare

Let the show begins, this life ain'€™t real

I must burn the evidence

Lost and found, there'€™s a whole world within my mind

Chaos in my eyes, have to try but I do not care (I do not dare)

Let the hunt begins, this time it'€™s real

Hope I survive '€˜till the end

Mr twilight'€™s comin'€™

I wake up in my bed, where'€™s the light shinin'€™ over me

Almost touch the void, there'€™s a door leadin'€™out of here

If I cross the line and stand beside you

Will I find my way back home again

I break the mirror, am I conscious, maybe dead

Once again, addicted to the pills

Pull the trigger with this empty gun and fear the consequences

Am I cursed

Mr twilight runs through my head

I'€™m compromised, I'€™m scarred to die

I feel my heartbeat through my hands are tied

I scream out loud, the monster is breathing

I feed him everydays and nights

Will I find my life back home again

Mr twilight'€™s comin'€™

Running, mr twilight runs through my head

Seeking, everybody seeks revenge again

Burning, mr twilight burns out my brain

Turning, I can'€™t reach the turning point again

But I can stop the game, you cannot stop this game

Mr twilight is not a game, no way

Running, mr twilight runs through my head

Seeking, everybody seeks revenge again

Burning, mr twilight burns out my brain

Turning, I can'€™t reach the turning point again

I have to stop this game

You can'€™t stop this game, there'€™s no shame

I entertain you, slave to the machine

A new era has come back in the dark

I robbed your mind, I'€™ll dig your body

Slave to the machine

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