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Hoky Poky

de Andy Tielman / an -


Put your left foot in,

Your left foot out,

Your left foot in,

And shake it all about.

You do the hokey pokey

And turn yourself around.

Now put your right foot in,

Your right foot out,

Right foot in

Then you shake it all about.

And then you do the Hokey Pokey

Turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.

You put your head in,

You put your head out,

Put your head in,

And bang it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey

And turn yourself around.

That's what it's all about.

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

That's what it's all about.

Put your right hand in,

Your right hand out,

Your right hand in,

And shake it all about,

You do the Hokey Pokey,

And you turn yourself around.

Now put your tongue in,

And your tongue out,

Tongue in,

And Blblblblbl!

You do the Hokey Pokey

Turn yourself around

That's what it's all about.

You put your bottom in,

Put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Do the Hokey Pokey,

Turn yourself about.

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

That's what it's all about.

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