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Nothing Changes

de Another Tale / an -


I´m sitting on the window-sill

As I did for all those years

Watching a drunken fellow

Drowning in high-proofed tears

He´s moaning for all these days

That he had spend completely pissed

And takes another master-gulp

To forget the moments that he had missed

Do you remember last New Years Eve

31st of December when you promised us to leave

Your selfmade sorrow and your personal pain

For a better tomorrow with no one else to blame

But nothing changes - nothing changes at all

No nothing changes - nothing changes at all

I´m watching the TV News

As I do from time to time

High coloured bloostain blues

Far away from Old Lang Syne

It´s still about this powerdreams

It´s all about money, bugs, change and cash

Mostly the same old stupid stories

Mostly the same old trash

Can´t you remember this mi-llen-i-um

Can´t You remember the songs we had sung

Bout Illusions and visions and to absent friends

For much better decisions and vacations in sense

But nothing changes - nothing changes at all

No nothing changes - nothing changes at all

I´m kissing your lips

As I always love to do

Cause in all this riot

All I want is you

I hope things will never change

Never change

Never change

I hope that nothing changes - nothing changes at all

No I hope that nothing changes - nothing changes at all

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