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de Arizona / an -


Save me with a fall

Save me from the sick woman

Let her speak

No you said all

Till we meet the splintering

I dreamed a dream I thought I knew

I drew a line that came a blue

My leg is dead so I can't go

To where I think my heart would choose

And we're floating

Riding the hill side

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie don't let me down

Off a mountain

What an arrival

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie don't let me down

I believe in what you reap you sow

So what goes around comes around

So what goes around will come back around

I believe in what you reap you sow

So what goes around comes around

So what goes around, I will come back around

So long as I'm around

And we're floating

Riding the hill side

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie don't let me down

Off a mountain

What an arrival

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie the splintering

And we're floating

Off of the hill side

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie don't let me down

Off a mountain

What an arrival

Into tomorrow

Oh Maddie don't let me down

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