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de Arrogants / an -


There was a day, though it seems long ago

Our love burned with the glow of every summer sun

A brighter day, when I could not resist the bliss of your sweet kiss

I dreamt you were the one

I'm not sad and I don't want you back I just miss the feeling of being in love

It used to be, you held me in your arms, caressed me with your charms

And swore you'd never stray

And just like me, I built my world for you, I stuck to you like glue

But that was yesterday

I'm not sad and I don't want you back I just miss the feeling of being in love

And in the end, we split with but a yawn, the spark of love long gone

Two hearts apart again

Goodbye my friend, I've nothing left to say

I'm sick of love today but I'll dive right back in

I'm not sad and I don't want you back I just miss the feeling of being

I miss the feeling of being in love

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