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The Rhythm


Tired of hearing what the others think is wrong or right.

Popular opinions become morals over night.

You think you're bad and wrong.

You think you're bad and wrong.

Because you did this or did that too long.

Fight the war on drugs, or so they say.

But then I ask myself, who are they?

Who are they to play god with me,

When they can't even see past their own TV?

Now I think I've got it all figured out.

Nobody really knows what anyone else is about.

Now I think I've got it all figured out.

Nobody really knows what anyone else is about.

Everybody knows what they want you to do.

When you point the finger there's three pointing back at you.

How can all these people tell you, the way that you should go,

When they can't even break out of the oldest shell they've ever known?

Don't take for granted all the things that you can learn,

'Cause your whole mind is what you've learned.

'Cause there's a rhythm, and once you find it you will know,

How to get through all the shit and just say no.

Now I think I've got it all figured out.

Nobody really knows what anyone else is about.

Now I think I've got it all figured out.

Nobody really knows what anyone else is about.

Tired of hearing what the others think is wrong or right.

Popular opinions become morals over night.

Don't take for granted all the things that you can learn,

'Cause your whole mind is what you've learned.

Don't take for granted all the things that you can learn,

'Cause your whole mind is what you've learned.

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