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I keep losing track

Of what people try to sell me

I shouldn't keep holding back

This progression which I can't relate to

Can anybody raise me a flag?

Or fire a shot in the sky and I'll hear you

You think it is the ghost I lack

But reason has the best of me

Round and round we go, when we'll stop, no one knows

Before our heads explode, we've torn the skin, break the bones

If I should take this step

Please write to walk these shoes

When all you see has gone bad

You might understand my blues

Round and round we go, when we'll stop, no one knows

Before our heads explode, we've torn the skin, break the bones

Even if we win, and win with our hands down

Yes even if we win, we win with our heads down

Round and round we go, when we'll stop, no one knows

Before our heads explode, we've torn the skin, break the bones

Even if we win, and win with our hands down

Yes even if we win, we win with our heads down

Yes we win with our heads down

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