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de Avaine / an -


I remember when I thought I'd never be good enough

And dreaming wasn't gonna get me far, I stood up

And decided I should try, before I said goodbye

I don't know who I'd be without you in my life

We thought for sure we'd never see these heights

How did we ever get it right?

And when I wake up here tomorrow

I'll still be grateful for this life

We've only come so far; we've still got plenty to go

And fighting for it is the only way that we know

And we climb, and we fall, and we reach, and we slip,

But we keep pulling through 'coz it's all we can do

It's all we wanna do now

We thought we'd never see these heights

How did we ever get it right?

And when I wake up here tomorrow

I'll still be grateful for this life

I mean it when we can't seem to get ahead

Do you mean it when we hit another dead end

And even when, it's doing my head in

I mean it when, I say I'll give it all I have

I still mean it

I always mean it

We thought for sure we'd never see these heights

And if this is our last time

Then photographs will still remind me

I'll know I had the time of my life

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