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Move It

de Balkan Beat Box / an -


(Move it)We wanna bust your radio

(Move it)Double a shot like stereo

(Move it)We move the train to carry y'all

Ho no no

(Move it)One time let's give it all a go

(Move it)Push it on up and let it blow

(Move it)Might be the end but you don't know

Ho no no

Life is on top of all

And it's my favorite

I might fly with it

I might drown in it

I might look aside of it

But I can't ignore it

Don't be the ignorant

Who turns his back on it

And now we are in a race

And now u show your face

If u can't find your place

Then we can show u how to send u to outer space

To fly on your own

(Move it)We wanna bust your radio

(Move it)Double a shot like stereo

(Move it)We move the train to carry y'all

Ho no no

(Move it)One time let's give it all a go

(Move it)Push it on up and let it blow

(Move it)Might be the end but you don't know

Ho no no

We move the train to carry y'all

So u can skip the barrier

And move it to your area

So we can bust your radio

And speak out through your speakers

And scream out to the sleepers

They freak out when they hear us

We make beats like gorillas

In this giant concrete jungle

The digital monkeys on a move

Talking straight, we never mumble

Making sure your dancing feet will move

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