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Tinkerputt's Song


Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi

My name's Profesor Tinkerputt

You may think its funny but I like it very much

I moved right here and plan to stay

To build my toys and by the way

(Uh, uh, uh)

These toys are mine so please don't touch

As you can see I've made a lot of toys

I just invent them for myself.

I play with them and they make lots of noise

And then I set them back on the shelf

I spend my time making lots of new inventions

I use a little bit of everything I've got

I found a motor in my attic, made a toy that's automatic

And to turn it on I touch this spot

As you can see I've made a lot of toys

I just invent them for myself

I play with them and they make lots of noise

And then I set them back on the shelf

I spend my time making lots of new inventions

I use a little bit of everything I've got

I took a look around my cellar and I found an old propeller

Not to mention this old teapot

As we can see he's made a lot of toys

He just invents them for himself

(That's right)

He plays with them and they make lots of noise

And then he sets them back on the shelf

My name's Profesor Tinkerputt

You may think its funny but I like it very much

I moved right here and plan to stay

To build my toys and by the way

(Uh, uh, uh)

These toys are mine, so please don't touch

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