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Shoot, Shoot

de Batmobile / pe Shoot Shoot / an 2001


Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

No chance they're gonna see his legs vibrate

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

Try it one more time now it's getting late

First time they showed him on the Sullivan Show

They only got his head when Elvis said go cat go

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

This boy is evil this boy is mean

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

The biggest insult to music ever seen

Try to make him vanish from the TV screen

Try to make him vanish from the rock 'n roll music scene

Shoot shoot shoot him from the waist

That boy is a public disgrace

A little thing in that time they didn't know

That boy would be the first crowned King of Rock and Roll

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

This man is the devil in disguise

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

Satan is showing right through his eyes

Make him vanish from the TV screen

Make him vanish from the rock 'n roll music scene

Shoot shoot shoot him from the waist

That boy is a public disgrace

A little thing in that time they didn't know

That boy would be the first crowned King of Rock and Roll


Shoot shoot shoot him from the waist

That boy is a public disgrace

A little thing in that time they didn't know

That boy would be the first crowned King of Rock and Roll

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

Today these words mean nothing anymore

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

The kid's showed them now that's for sure

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

Shoot Shoot Shoot him from the waist up

Remember shoot shoot him from the waist

Remember that boy is a public disgrace

Remember how they all hated him so

Forever he will be the king of rock 'n roll

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