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Moonlight Dancing

de BETTE MIDLER / pe 3 for One / an 2000


How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'

underneath the starry sky?

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'?

Just the moon and you and I.

Mmm, just the moon and you and I.

Moonlight dancin', mmm, moonlight dancin'.

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of late night romance

underneath the starry sky?

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of late night romance?

Just the moon and you and I.

Mmm, just the moon and you and I.

Moonlight dancin', mmm, moonlight dancin'.

Ohh, nobody's gonna be there.

Ohh, so don't you wanna go where

we could dance across the sky,

leave the world behind us?

Nothin' that we couldn't do.

Yeah, we could dance across the sky,

leave the world behind us.

Just the moon and me and you.

Mmm, just the moon and me and you.

We could hide inside the rhythm

'til the morning finds us.

Share a little ecstasy.

Yeah, we could hide inside the rhythm

'til the morning finds us.

If you come away with me

I'll show you how it feels to be

moonlight dancin'. Mmm, moonlight dancin'.

Oh, we gonna sail on the wind.

Oh, so don't you wanna begin?

Moonlight dancing, mmm, moonlight dancing.

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit?

How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'?

Just the moon and you and I.

Moonlight dancin, mmm, moonlight dancing.

Ooooh, ahhh . . .

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