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de Bettie Serveert / pe Dust Bunnies / an 1999


Bow down for the band on the cover

They seem to make it all across the USA

Bow down, the band's been discovered

They even made it on the R.S-tones these days

What a beautiful noise

What an obvious choice

But the records seems to do so well

And everybody loves a band that sells

So why should it happen for me

If it could happen for you?

It's not like a major catastrophe

It's something you choose

So many people believe

That they could achieve anything

Worth their while

Anything worth a smile

Lying flat on the floor

Get the lock off your door

You want something to d

Make a record or two

Bow down for the band on the cover

They seem to make it all across the USA

Bow down, the band's found a rudder

And now they finally hit the charts

They're on their way, what a beautiful noise

What an obvious choice

Now the record seems to do so well

And everybody loves a band that sells

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