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de Boyzone / an -


Smile an ever lasting smile

A smile can bring you near to me

Y no, no quiero ni pensar

Llorar porque no est?s aqu?

This world has lost its glory

Let's start a brand new story

Now my love

You think that I don't even mean

A single word I say

Que puedo hacer

Si solo con palabras

Te puedo retener

Talk in ever lasting words

And dedicate them all to me

And I will give you all my life

I'm here if you should call me

Yo s? dificil es creer

Palabras nada mas

Que puedo hacer

Si solo con palabras

Te puedo retener

It's only words

And words are all I have

To take your heart away

Da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da da

This world has lost its glory

Let's start a brand new story

Now my love

Yo s? dificil es creer

Palabras nada mas

Que puedo hacer

Si solo con palabras

Te puedo retener

It's only words

And words are all I have

To take your heart away

Que puedo hacer

Sï solo con palabras

Te puedo retener

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