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Indian's Angel

de Brantley Gilbert / an -


Grew up one state North of Kentucky

A Family far from rollin' in the money

7 brothers and sisters to feed and love

Granddaddy said she kept her eyes on the sky,

Watching all the little birds fly

Staring at heaven like her lost home

None of her dreams held fame and fortune

She wanted a husband and children that loved her

Spreading' her wings her feet left ground In Indiana

Driving down south just to marry my daddy

Leaving the life she'd known and loved behind

She never cussed or drank, kept food on the table

Hell, I kept her on her knees in prayer

She's a God sent blessing wiling and able

As Indiana's angel

Baby back home your daddy's dying

'Bout then the kind of perfect timing,

Walked in with liquor on my breath

I sit and watch all of her tears glisten

She said, "Son you'll learn to listen,

A man stands taller from his knees"

Now I'll never forget how much that hurt

She said, "Son one day I'll be gone you wont have to hear these words"

Spreading' her wings her feet left ground In Indiana

Driving down south just to marry my daddy

Leaving the life she'd known and loved behind

She never cussed or drank, kept food on the table

Hell, I kept her on her knees in prayer

She's a God sent blessing wiling and able

As Indiana's angel

Indian's Angel

Spreading' her wings her feet left ground In Indiana

Driving down south just to marry my daddy

Leaving the life she'd known and loved behind

She never cussed or drank, kept on the table

Hell, I kept her on her knees in prayer

She's a God sent blessing wiling and able

As Indiana's angel

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