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Candle In Dark

de Breaking The Waves / an -


I light a candle for those I have lost

I never tought it will happen so fast

Sound of your laugh is still in my mind

Pitcture of you will never fade out

It will be here - deep in my heart

When I hear your name

It all comes back

Things of the past

Slips in my mind

I light a candle for those I have lost

I never tought it will happen so fast

Sometimes it's hard

But that is my task

When I hear your name

It all comes back

Things of the past

Slips in my mind

So I reach for a bottle

And drink it till the botoom

One or few more it's not a problem

But maybe I have problems

With candles and bottles?

Or it's price

To sleep in complete silance

I light a candle for good friends I have lost

I light a candle for family I have lost

Time that we shared wasn't enough

We'll meet again, that is for sure

Sooner or later? that's a good question

I light a candle for those I have lost

I took off my mask

That covered my eyes

Now you can see

What's going inside

I fill up my empty glass

And look in the sky

Cheers to everyone

Hope you all are fine

I light a candle for good friends I have lost

I light a candle for family I have lost

I light a candle for good friends I have lost

I light a candle for family I have lost

I light a candle for good friends I have lost

I light a candle for family I have lost

I light a candle for good friends I have lost

I light a candle for family I have lost

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