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Far away I'm hunting

In my heart I'm wanting

Forged my breach through prison

From the sludge I've risen

Today's a brand new day

I'm a new chill in the air

Pity my friend has shown to me

His softer underbelly

So easy to take life away

When your soul is wounded

I've tracked so many animals

They all die the same way

I taste her I want her

The chain reaction starts

I'll own her I'll rule her

It's over and I promise you that

I'll take away the things that you trust

The things that you love

I'll find a way to share all my pain with you

It's so easy for me

She's so vulnerable

I'll use my tricks and take her home

And you'll watch as I do

Feel my new transition

Darkened exhibition

I'll take away the things that you trust

The things that you love

I'll find a way to share all my pain with you

I'm gonna share it with you

I'm gonna polish my lies

Gonna tell them just right

You better mark what I say

I'm gonna take it away

I'm gonna take it away

I'm gonna take it away

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