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de Cage9 / an -


Wasting time with dreams of anonymity

Barrel of lies wasting space in my vicinity

The future hold false hopes of crass divinity

Burning holes through the arms of a red anemone

Open your mouth to let the bullshit in

You might frown for a minute, then you'll grin

Speaking in tongues is to exercise the mouth

Now open up to let the bullshit out 'cause

I have nothing to say but I say it anyway.

I have nothing to say and I...

The other day my octopus caught malaria.

And when he sneezes, well you know there's nothing


Told him I'd find a doctor to take good care of ya',

But he suggested I go find a good Bull Terrier.

An open mind is a symptom of a sin.

An open door to let ol' Satan in

Speaking in tongues is to exercise the mouth.

Now open up to let the bullshit out!

Cuz I have nothing to say and I say it anyway... (2X)

Noone likes a cat cuz, the way a cat works

Is sitting 'round all day just thinkin' 'bout the


And if he bites your tongue, that pussy's gonna' make

It hurt

So you betta' not fuck with that pussy's universe.

Open your mouth to let the bullshit in

You might frown for a minute, then you'll grin.

Speaking in tongues is to exercise the mouth.

Now open up to let the bullshit out cuz

I have nothing to say and I say it anyway... (2X)

Gawd you are no fun

Pussy got your tongue

Gawd you are no fun

Pussy got your tongue

Pussy got your tongue

Pussy got your tongue

Pussy got your tongue

Pussy got your tongue

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