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Remove Yourself


Men of the earth

You have soiled, you're so foul

With lips of infected sullen

You will indulge yourself

So digest your consequences

The serpent's venom runs inside of you

Your lust, desires will blind your senses

Whirlwinds of disaster for you, for you

Remove yourself

And take your breath away

Rebuild yourself

Before you fall away

And I will lift you from the bottom

And my hope will fade away

And I will pick you up

So you can survive the day

Remove yourself

Touch what you can't have

While I have

What you can't touch for now

My friend, all of this will turn to ash

Who is your God

Or is it a devil?

Igniting your catastrophe

Your spine will bend, spiritual anatomy

Remove yourself

And take your breath away

Rebuild yourself

Before you fall away

And I will lift you from the bottom

And my hope will fade away

I will pick you up

So you can survive the day

Rebuild who you are and stay away

Remove all your scars, stay away

Will you stay away?

But you won't remove yourself

Remove yourself

And take your breath away

Rebuild yourself

Before you fall away

And I will lift you from the bottom

And my hope will fade away

I will pick you up

So you can survive the day

Remove yourself

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