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Love Away

de Capital Cities / an -


Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

All my friends, they pretend

The end is just around the bend

But since you came along

I'm not believin' it

Sunshine, destiny

The birds and bees and centipedes

Until you came along

I never needed it

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Money, power, a man of means

Chasing down irrational dreams

But when you came along

I was freed of it

Throw your TV out the door

One, two, three, four, on the floor!

And if you sing a song

You'll believe in it

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

Love, just love away

Just do it everyday

Just do it every way

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