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The New Sound

de Capricorns / an -


You wanna go wanna play for the hip kids

I know you fake it but it's none of my business

I wanna come I wanna party with the hip kids

If I wanna fake it it's none of your business

Got the coat got the keys to your new car

Wanna go, wanna drive, drive fast go far

Wanna dance; wanna drink till you can't stand up

Come on baby I can tell that you're not that tough

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Gotta have a new look

Gotta hear the new sound

I'll be there

I'll be dancing in the front, front row

I don't care

I don't mind 'cause I think you're

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Wanna see the new look

Gotta hear the new sound

And the crowds start to dance

When you hit that chord

Got the style and the cash

And they'll always want more

You wanna go wanna play for the hip kids

I know you fake it but it's none of my business

I wanna come I wanna party with the hip kids

If I wanna fake it it's none of your business

When you walk the street

The girls turn and stare

The way you wear your clothes

The way you cut your hair

Tell me something new

I'm getting bored

Make a cute remark

I'm keeping score

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Gotta have a new look

Gotta hear the new sound

I'll be there

I'll be dancing in the front, front row

I don't care

I don't mind 'cause I think you're

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Wanna see the new look

Gotta hear the new sound

And the crowds start to dance

When you hit that chord

Got the style and the cash

And they'll always want more

You wanna go wanna play for the hip kids

I know you fake it but it's none of my business

I wanna come I wanna party with the hip kids

If I wanna fake it it's none of your business

Got the lights

I really want a fog machine

Turn it on

Turn it up

Oh make me scream

Gotta have that rock,

That rockin look


1, 2, 3, 4 LETS GO

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Gotta have a new look

Gotta make the new sound

I'll be there

I'll be dancing in the front, front row

I don't care

I don't mind 'cause I think you're

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Wanna see the new look

Gotta hear the new sound

And the crowds start to dance

When you hit that chord

Got the style and the cash

And they'll always want more

Curtain goes up and the lights come down

Wanna see the new look

Gotta hear the new sound

And the crowds start to dance

When you hit that chord

Got the style and the cash

And they'll always want more

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