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Click Clack


Two trains, two railroad tracks

One goin' 'n' the other one comin' back

There goes my baby on that ole train

I say come back, come back, baby, come back

Click clack, click clack

There's my baby wavin' her handkerchief down

My cars stand up when I hear that sound

This time it sound like it's for keeps

Click clack, click clack

I get down on the ground with the gravel around

I pray t' the Lord that the train will stop

Turn right around 'n' never stop

Till it drop my baby off

Now I had this girl threatened

'N' leave me all the time

Maybe you had uh girl like that

I-yuh all time cryin'

Well, I had this girl threatened

'N' leave me all the time

Threatenin' t' go down t' N'Orleans-uh

'N get herself lost 'n found

Maybe you had uh girl like this

She's always threatenin' t' go down t' N'Orleans

'N' get herself lost 'n' found

C'mon. I'll play it for yuh

Lemme tell yuh 'bout it

Lemme tell yuh 'bout it

There were two railroad tracks

Click clack, click clack

One ah them leavin'-uh

'N' the other one comin' back

I was two years from yuh baby

You were goin' way up the tracks

The train was leavin'-uh

I could see yuh wavin' your handkerchief

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