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Captain Jack


Ejo Captain Jack

Bring me back to the railroad track

Running to the railroad track

Run along with Captain Jack

Run into the peacecamp back

Run along with Captain Jack

Badadadideido, left right right left

Badadadideido, run along with Captain Jack

Forward march!

Ejo Captain Jack

Bring me back to the railroad track

Give me a gun in my hand

I want to be shooting man

Left, right, left

The military step

The airforce rap

The seventeen is the best

Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left


WeÔÇÖre running to the railroad track

Run along with Captain Jack

Badadadideido, run along with Captain Jack

Run into the peacecamp back

Run along with Captain Jack

Badadadideido, badideido, badideidideidideido

Badadadideido, left right right left

Badadadideido, run along with Captain Jack

Company attention forward march!

Ejo Captain Jack

Bring me back the railroad track

Give me a bottle in my hand

I want to be drunken man

Left, right, left

The military step

The airforce rap

The seventeen is the best

Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left

(Repeat Chorus)

We are running...

Ejo Captain Jack

Bring me back the railroad track

Give me a women in my hand

I want to be fucking man

Left, right, left

The military step

The airforce rap

The seventeen is the best

Goo, left, go right, go pick up the step, go left, go right, go left

(Repeat Chorus)

We Are running

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