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de Carly Rae Jepsen / pe Kiss / an 2001


Ooh, I don't care about my lipstick

I just wanna drive you to love

Chasing the sun, don't wanna miss it

I just wanna drive you to love

You're laughing at me in your head

With my teasing games

Let's talk about you

You're in love, wanna change my name

So drive so fast, baby do that right

Drive so fast, and I'm never gonna find you

Drive so fast, saying no goodbyes

Drive so fast, they are leaving all behind you

Ooh, I don't care about my lipstick

I just wanna drive you to love

Chasing the sun, don't wanna miss it

I just wanna drive you to love

Ooh, I don't care about my lipstick

I just wanna drive you to love

Chasing the sun, don't wanna miss it

I just wanna drive you to love

Boy, I get a kick out of you

You know I'm yours

The things you're making me do

I'm never gone, give me to recoil

I just wanna drive you to love

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