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de Carole King / pe Music/Fantasy / an 2002



by Caroel King

Haywood, where have you been, tell em now

Haywood, you been on the street again, I know, I know

Haywood, that man's not your friend

Haven't you had enough of the stuff

Oh, you know it's got to do you in

Remember John John

How mama satyed awake all night

The night they brought him in

She cried and said she always knew he was up to no good

It broke her heart the night he died

ANd she made me promise I'd stand by your side

And try to protect you from the evil in the neighborhood

Haywood, where have you been, tell em now

Haywood, you been on the street again, I know, I know

Haywood, hangin' out with your so-called friends

What makes you think that you'll be the one to put it down

Use your ears, use your eyes, just look around

Everyone's dying, everyone's going down

Just think of Vallorie

She's always been so good to you and you've never let her down

What about the life you planned

It can still come true, it's all up to you

I know it's hard to shake it

But you got be a man and take it

I know this is no way to make it

It's not too late for you

Listen to me, Haywood

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