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de Casey Stratton / pe The Crossing / an -0001


Turning in circles

I wasn't able to find my footing

I would hear you drive up

And I would pray you were showing your good side

If I learned anything from that

It was never to put me aside

Disappointed every time

I imagined a truth where you lied

So blind then

I thought that you'd change

Shot me down at close range

Left my optimism clearly stained

So blind then

Thought we'd be okay

Thought you'd left your old ways

But you were never going to change

Winter in L.A.

We began to come apart at the seams

Spent all those nights fighting

Spent all that time passing the blame around

If I learned anything from that

It's that now I know exactly what I don't want

I was destroyed every time

I lost what I'd finally caught

So blind then

I thought that you'd change

Shot me down at close range

Left my optimism clearly stained

So blind then

Thought we'd be okay

Thought you'd left your old ways

But you were never going to change

There is no way to conjure up a fantasy

You and me smiling hand in hand along a beach

We were never headed anywhere near crystal seas

You were never coming back to me

So you began to distance

You began to close the door

I was never going to come back to you anymore

That was where it ended

I can see the solid line

Drawn for the final time

So blind then

I thought that you'd change

Shot me down at close range

Left my optimism clearly stained

So blind then

Thought we'd be okay

Thought you'd left your old ways

But you were never going to change

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