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de Cassandra Complex / an -


There's something wrong and I don't know why

I lie awake staring at the sky

Crying silently so you wont hear

Invoking succubi that don't appear

Staring at my souvenirs

Dreaming of someone that isn't here

Waiting for the pain to disappear

And I can never change the way I feel

It can never be the same

It will never be the same

You will never be inside my dreams

You can never walk with me

You will never walk with me

And though I love you baby

It will never, never

Never be the same

When we make love I'm never there

I close my eyes and think of her

I feel her body instead of yours

My heart is belongs to her

And I can never change the way I feel

It can never be the same

It will never be the same

You will never be inside my dreams

You can never walk with me

You will never walk with me

And though I love you baby

It will never, never

Never be the same

It will never be the same

As it was with her

As it was with her

Was with her

All you give is all that's mine

When we kiss it's a crime

You tell me that will change in time

But I know it will be forever

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