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de Cats On Fire / an -


His footsteps in the stairs

They just ruined my peace

With a layman's sense of style

He arrived

The footsteps in the stairs

They just ruin my peace

With a layman's sense of style

He arrived

And I never liked

The cloak-and-dagger approach to love

But with that, one day at a time

I get by

All the strain of being with him

I may appear insane

Someone in constant search for pain

But seen against a backdrop

A fabric not that thin

It's all good, I could've been

Forgetting the name of my lover

Moving right on to another

Going on like this my whole life through

I'm so glad it's over

That I'm here with my three-leaf clover

No longer out for someone new

But I, I never really saw the pieces fall into place

But I'm sure I saw them try

Yes they tried

And I never really saw the pieces fall into place

But I'm sure I saw them try

Yes they tried

All the strain of being with him

I may appear insane

Someone in constant search for pain

But seen against a backdrop

A fabric not that thin

It's all good I could have been

Breaking the bones of a lover

Moving right on to another

Going on like that my whole life through

I'm so glad it's over

That I'm here with my three-leaf clover

No longer after someone new

And that's why I've come to this secret understanding

With myself

Not another one

Not another one

No longer out for another one

No longer after someone new

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