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de Daddy Yankee / an -


{Words & Music: Hazel O'Connor

So you're born, so you're torn

From a place that's safe and warm

I took a journey to see a world

And you're born

And you're torn

So you're pulled from pillar to post

And you're told it's best to be the one who knows the most

Yet the more I know, I know nothing

Nothing at all

Yeh, you're born

I met a man, who sung a song

And the know-it-intellects said each note was wrong

It made me happy, that's enough

So why did they give that man a rough time



I have no memory for what I do

It's just a feeling, that I give to you

Yeh, the more I know, I know nothing

Nothing at all

Yeh, and you're born

I met a man who sailed to sea

Told me everything in this world is free

He said faith, mark you, is all you need

To believe is also to bleed

You're born

Yeh and you're torn

So you're born

And you're born, and you're torn

And you're born, and you're torn

So you're born, so you're torn

From a place that's safe and warm

Took a journey to see a world

So you're born

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