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de Dan Bern / pe Dog Boy Van / an 1997


I met god on the edge of town

Where the wind meets the stillness

Where the darkness meets the light

Where the ocean meets the sky

Where the desert meets the rain

Where the earth meets the heavens

On the edge of town

I met god

I asked god

Do one thing for me

Send me back in time, send me to seattle

Let me go find kurt cobain

Take away his gun, take away his bullets

Talk to him, make him want to live

Tell him how we love him, help him see his glory

God said no, if I sent you back

If you really found him

You would only ask him if he could help you get a deal

If he knows a lawyer, if he could help you

God said no

I asked god, do one thing for me

Send me back in time, send me to berlin

Let me find the one they call hitler

I will stalk him, I will bring him down

I will bring along a powerful gun, loaded with bullets

Obliterate his memory

God said no, if I sent you back

You would get caught up in theory and discussion

You would let your fears delay and distract you

You would make friends, you would take a lover

God said no

I asked god, do one thing for me

Send me back in time, send me to jerusalem

Let me go, let me go find jesus

Let me save his life as they try to kill him

Let me take him down, down from the cross

Take the iron from his body, try to heal his wounds

God said no, if I let you go, if you really found him

Walking with the cross you would stare

Your tounge no longer working, eyes no longer seeing, ears no longer hearing

God said dan, time belongs to me

Time's my secret weapon, a final advantage

God turned away from the edge of town

He knew I was beaten

And now was all I had

God said no

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