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Tongue Twisters


Everybody's heard of Peter Piper

And the peck of pickled peppers that he picked

That's such a silly simple children's game

It hasn't even got a name

But I'd like to bet that it'll trip you

And I bet you're gonna have to say you're licked

If Peter Piper you pronounce with ease

Then twist your tongue around these

Moses supposes his toeses are roses

But Moses supposes erroneously

For Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses

As Moses supposes his toeses to be

That's tongue twisters

And it seems so easy till the word gets sprung

If you insist you want to try a lisp

Then step up mister and twist your tongue

Now Kissle will whistle at busty Miss. Russell

Who'll rustle and bustle till Kissle will roar

So Russell asked Axle for Kissle's dismissal

And this'll teach Kissle to whistle no more

That's tongue twisters

And it seems so easy till you twist your tongue

Tito and Tato were tattooed in total

But Toto was only tattooed on his toe

So Tato told Tito where Toto was tattooed

But Tito said Toto's tattoo wouldn't show

Theda thought Thora was thumping her thimble

But Thomas thought Thora was thumping her drum

Said Theda if Thora's not thumping her thimble

I think that she surely is thumping her thumb

That's tongue twisters

And it seems so easy till the word gets sprung

If you insist you want to try a lisp

Then step up mister and twist your tongue

Now Charley is chary when choosing his cheeses

And cheese is a challenge when Charley arrives

When Charley is charming and chooses a cheddar

Then chews it and chips it and chops in some chives

Heda is hoping to hop to Tahiti

To hack a hibiscus to hang on her hat

Now Heda has hundreds of hats on her hatrack

So how can a hop to Tahiti help that

Snobby Miss. Nora is sniffing her snuffer

The snuffer's no sniffing it makes Nora sneeze

When Snyda lets Nort know his Nora is sneezing

She snappily snorts Nora's sneezing a breeze

Sheila is selling her shop at the seashore

For shops at the seashore are so sure to lose

And she's not so sure of what she should be selling

Should Sheila sell seashells or should she sell shoes

That's tongue twisters

And it seems so easy till the word gets sprung

If you insist you want to try a lisp

Then step up mister and twist your tongue

Twista felt Twister was trying to whistle

But Twister had twisted his tongue

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