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I can't go with you

And I can't let you go

You can't be with me

So I won't let it show

I don't want you to know

So I'll just have to let you go

I'm going to love you so much better

You'll forget the error of my ways

I'm sending you the good I wished I'd given you

Oh how I miss you Rae

Some day you might well laugh at this

As memories of love all shift and time slips away

So don't cry honey

You can't see everything

But the wind still dries your tears

And the sun will keep you living

I just want you to see

My love's unseen but still keeps seeking

I'm going to love you so much better

You'll forget the error of my ways

I'm sending you the good I wished I'd given you

Oh how I miss you Rae

Some day you might well laugh at this

As memories of love all shift and time slips away

Oh Rae

Oh Rae

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