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de Earshot / an -


Stuck here inside

A world inside my head

A place where I think too much

A place that no one can touch

My god forsaken fear

Although I don't pray enough I want to

I want to thank you for the tears IÔÇÖve cried

The love you gave to me

I want to show you what I've kept inside

That takes control of me

Thoughts sometimes

I was left behind

Alone and all by myself

Forced to look at myself

I never will be real

Things they say to me

I want to thank you for the tears IÔÇÖve cried

The love you gave to me

I want to show you what I've kept inside

That takes control of me

Control of me (repeat)

Not enough bottles to complete this grief I've held onto for so long

An angry soul I reap onto the people have ever tried to do me wrong

I want to thank you for the tears IÔÇÖve cried

The love you gave to me

I want to show you what I've kept inside

That takes control of me

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