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de Earth & Fire / an -


The day you came into my life

You talked about man and wife

The words I hear will never disappear

You, you make it shining bright

Even when the day turns into night

I heard your thoughts one by one

And now we watch the morning sun

The words I hear will never disappear

You, you make it shining bright

Even when the day turns into night

It's all like a dream

Oh my love

I couldn't sleep

I love to be again in your fair company

A never-ending dream

Oh my love

You chabged the nightmare in the night

Into a garden of delight

Of one thing I'm sure

It's you I am living for

I heard your thoughts one by one

And now we watch the morning sun

The words I hear will never disappear

You, you make it shining bright

Even when the day turns into night

It's all like a dream

Oh my love

I couldn't sleep

I love to be again in your fair company

A never-ending dream

Oh my love

You chabged the nightmare in the night

Into a garden of delight

Of one thing I'm sure

It's you I am living for

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