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Ghost Town

de Egypt Central / pe White Rabbit / an 1990


I'll cut out the broken hearts down union avenue

Let the streets run red with my revenge

You can't fake apologies for everything you do

You can't repay the price that's on your head

The price that's on your head

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

With our guns held high

In the dead of night

You'll be first against the wall

Come on test me

You'll be first to take the fall

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

Scatter like the roach like the insect that you are

Cowards always try to get away

No matter where you run no matter where you hide

I will hunt you down you can't escape

You can't escape

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

With our guns held high

In the dead of night

You'll be first against the wall

Come on test me

You'll be first to take the fall

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

Test me and you'll be shot down

Test me and you'll be shot down

Shot down

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

With our guns held high

In the dead of night

You'll be first against the wall

Come on test me

You'll be first to take the fall

When the sky comes down

Over this ghost town

You'll be first against the wall

First against the wall

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